In order to kill it in today's world you have to have a team. There is not much going on, you have to build a team of people to really kick butt. Here is a for example: get connected with a health insurance agent. First and foremost, there are agents for everything. They are experts in their specific field and they can be great tools. Utilize them. Recently when I connected with a heath insurance agent I saved $3k for the year on my premiums, stayed with the same providers, and have comparable out of pocket expenses. It is crazy!!
The world with live in today is not the same world that our grandparents live in. We have more intense contracts, more fine print, we have a multifaceted world that our grandparents just didn't have to deal with. Our parents grew up in a time when they could get a summer job and pay for a new car. We just aren't there any more. Lawsuits, the government, and inflation have changed our world. Not necessarily for the worse, it is just changed. Many of those things provide more protections, but with those protections, there comes details. Now when we multiply those protections and details across all areas of our lives today, we see we are no longer able to be experts in our own world.
So that is why I say, get a team. Get a great primary care physician. Preventative health care (preventative maintenance of all kinds) keeps anything in tip top shape and lasting longer without major repair. Get a great personal insurance agent. Bundle together your home, life, car etc. with one great insurance agent. Get the best value for your money, not just the cheapest, but make sure you get a great deal. You don't want to overpay $3,000. Get a financial adviser. They can help put a plan of action together to develop wealth. To have something in 40 years.
Get a team!! It is a rare person in today's world who has time after working a 10 hour day, coming home and making dinner, doing a couple chores, will then find time to gain an understanding about the healthcare industry.
Get an expert!!!
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